This article will provide concise definitions of terms commonly used on the Boom Learning website. Words or concepts that are part of a more complex idea will include a link to a related article.


Teacher Account Details

  • Classroom: Just like a real classroom, your Boom classroom is where you can create students, assign decks, and generate reports.
  • Classroom URL: A customizable, unique link that will open directly to your classroom. This link displays the classroom directory to those who have the login credentials.
  • Colleagues: A feature you can use to invite another teacher to share a roster of students.
  • Teacher Dashboard:  The page you see after logging into a teacher account and clicking the "Classes" tab. Allows you to access several features for your classrooms, students, and reports.
  • Google Classroom: A separate platform through Google that can be used to roster your Boom classrooms.
  • Help Center: Your best friend! This is where you can search through our helpful FAQs and articles or submit a support ticket if you are experiencing issues.
  • Membership/Subscription: A paid plan offered on different levels to give you access to more students, classrooms, and premium features on Boom.
  • Nickname/Teacher Name: The customizable name that your students see, separate from your username and userID.
  • Points: Credits you can purchase to redeem for premium content offered in the Store such as decks, images, and fonts.
  • Reports: A feature available on paid memberships that gives teachers access to detailed student progress reporting.
  • Section: Another name for Classroom. Classrooms can be used to make flexible groupings.
  • Sign in with Microsoft: A login option to use your Microsoft account credentials instead of a Boom username (or email) and password.
  • Sign in with Boom: A login option to sign in with your Boom username (or email) and password.
  • Sign in with Google: A login option to use your Google account credentials instead of a Boom username (or email) and password.
  • UserID:  A unique, automatically-generated string of numbers and letters unique to your account that cannot be changed, unlike your username or nickname.
  • Username: A unique, customizable name used to log into your Boom account.


Student Account Details

  • Coins: A reward students can earn by playing decks that can be "spent" to unlock new Avatars for their account.
  • Student Dashboard: The page a student sees upon logging in that shows classrooms they are a part of as well as currently assigned decks.
  • Gems: A reward students can earn for answering questions correctly while playing a deck.
  • Nickname:  The customizable "friendly" name for each student, different from their username and userID.
  • Notebook:  A section of a student's account where they can review cards they have chosen to "remember" for practice.
  • Picture Passwords:  A simpler way for students to log in by clicking on certain pictures instead of typing out a password.
  • Pulses/"Lightning Bolts": Pulses are rewards students can earn by answering questions correctly on a deck, even if they have answered it correctly before.
  • Username: A unique, customizable name that student uses to log into their Boom account.

School Account Details (For School Dashboard Managers)

  • Assign/Revoke/Renew buttons: Assign will give the selected teacher one membership license out of your Membership Seat Balance. Revoke will set the selected teacher's account back to the Starter membership and does not add the membership to your Membership Seat Balance. Renew will give the selected teacher one membership license out of your Membership Seat Balance to replace that teacher's current membership.
  • District Email Domain: The domain name associated with email addresses used by your school-- the text that comes after the "@" symbol of the email address.
  • School Dashboard: The main feature of a School Account-- the account manager can see their account details, school information, and also view the list of teachers that have been added to the school's account.
  • School Dashboard Manager: The user who has login access to a school account and is in charge of assigning memberships and points to teachers in the school, or adding new teachers to the school.
  • Licenses: Individual memberships that can be assigned to teachers.
  • Membership Seat Balance: The number of membership licenses available to assign to teachers who are a part of your school's account.

Buying & Playing Boom Decks

  • Author: The unique name of a Publisher who created a self-made deck and published it to the Store for purchase.
  • Batch Size:  The number of cards shown to a student while playing a deck-- can be changed in Custom Play Settings.
  • Boom Card Player: The page on which a Boom Deck is played by presenting students with individual, interactive cards.
  • Bundle: A group of decks available for a single purchase, sometimes at a discounted price.
  • Cart: A list of items in the Store that you have clicked "Add to Cart" for purchase.
  • Custom Play Settings: A feature used to change how a deck is presented to students when they play it.
  • Decks/Cards: Decks are virtual collections that contain a varying number of cards with activities or questions designed to help students learn about a specific concept. They are similar to Kahoot and Quizlet.
  • Fastplay/Fast Pin: A pin based way to deliver a deck for play. Fast Pins are good for 14 days (this is to protect the copyrights of authors). Fast plays are privacy-friendly - they know nothing about the party playing the deck.
  • Folder:  A virtual representation of the organization of like items together.
  • Give Up: A button students can click when playing a deck to "surrender" a card after attempting to answer it at least once.
  • Hyperplay: A link that when clicked started a logged play session. Logged play sessions record student performance. Access to the performance report is through the Reports tab or if the deck is also assigned, through the Classes tab and student dashboard.
  • Library: The Library tab shows the teacher all the decks that have been purchased and the decks created by the teacher and Privately Published.
  • Marketplace/Store: The publicly displayed ready-made Boom Cards available for redemption. They may be free or for a fee. Publish to the Store adds items to the Store. Only items suitable for commercial distribution should be Published to the Store.
  • Remember: A student can click remember to add a card to the Student Notebook for later review or discussion with the teacher.
  • Set: A set is the delivery of all cards in a deck. This includes decks students see in a batch of cards (which may be only a portion of the total) as well as all other cards in that deck. 
  • Wishlist: A list within the Cart of decks the teacher is not ready to buy but wants to save for later purchase.

Creating & Selling Decks

  • Asset Managers: Libraries in the tools for managing assets of a particular type, such as images, fonts, or files.
  • Author Name: A unique, customizable name that serves as your "brand" on the Store when you publish a self-made deck-- it is different than your Teacher Nickname that appears to your students.
  • Author Bio: A customizable description of your store to give customers an idea of what kind of products you're selling.
  • Boom URL: A customizable, more readable link to your Boom store.
  • Container: the umbrella term for the different items you can insert onto Boom cards in the deck editor, such as a text box, picture, or fill in the blank.
  • Customer Dashboard: The area sellers can see information about their sales, transactions, referrals, and feedback.
  • Draggable Item: an item that can be dragged around on a card and be placed into a Drop Zone as an answer.
  • Drop Zone: a location on a card used as a place to drop draggable items as an answer.
  • Feedback: a private message directly from a user to the author.
  • Flow Magic: a feature used to build a deck with conditional formatting-- it allows for a more complex deck structure instead of moving to the next card after submitting an answer.
  • Link To: the element used in creating a Flow Magic deck to indicate which card will be displayed next.
  • Multi-Choice: a container that includes several text answer options to create a multiple-choice question on a card
  • Multi-Pic: a container that includes several picture answer options to create a multiple-choice question on a card
  • Pen Name: Another term for your Author Name. It is locked and unchangeable when you Publish to Store.
  • Preview: if you create or own a deck, Preview will show the full deck to you when you are logged in.
  • Private Publishing: When clicked it pushes a copy of a deck you created to your Library, from which it can be assigned.
  • Ratings: public reviews of products in the store, based on a 5-star system with the ability to add comments.
  • Publisher Account: A feature unique to our Publisher membership that allows you to publish self-made decks to the Store and earn money for your creations!
  • Store Name:  Another term for your Author Name.
  • Studio: The Studio tab contains all the elements for creating Boom Cards decks, and if you have one, for managing your seller account.
  • Template Card: a non-playable card in a deck that serves as a framework for the deck-- any changes made to the template card are automatically applied to all other cards in the deck.
  • Z Order: refers to instructions for the overlapping of two-dimensional objects-- can be changed to move objects on a card to the "front", or to hide them "behind" other objects.