When you tried to log into your account, did you receive a message saying, “User not found”, “Email already exists”, or “No account exists with that Google credential”? Don’t worry. Let’s get you logged into your account!


Ways to Log In as a Teacher


First, which way are you trying to log in? There are different ways to log in as a teacher.

Sign in with Email/Username

If you haven’t manually connected your account to Google or Microsoft, you’re going to log in using the "Sign In with Email" option, by typing your email and/or username. This is true, even if the account you used is a Google account. Also, if you have already set up a username, you can log into your account by typing it and using this button.

Teacher Log in Sign in with Email/Username

After being logged in, you can then connect your account with Google or Microsoft. This way, you'll be able to use the "Sign in with Google" and/or "Sign in with Microsoft" buttons.


Go to Menu---My Settings---Connect ____.

Connect Google Microsoft link

Sign in with Google

If you have manually connected your account to Google or you set up your account with the "Join with Google" button, you’re going to log in using the "Sign In with Google" option and entering your credentials or selecting the email associated with the account.

Teacher Sign in with Google Log in

Sign in with Microsoft

If you have manually connected your account to Microsoft or you set up your account with the "Join with Microsoft" button, you’re going to log in using the "Sign In with Microsoft" option and entering your credentials or selecting the email associated with the account.

Teacher Sign in with Microsoft Log in

Sign in with Facebook

Unfortunately, we stopped the "Login with Facebook" option. If you have manually connected your Facebook with your Boom account, you'll be able to log into your account using the "Sign in with Email' option and enter your email.


Make sure to try the correct log-in option from the ones mentioned above. Here are some examples of the error messages you may experience while using the wrong log-in method.

Account not found: No account exists with that Google credential

Most of the time this happens when you think you have Google connected with your account but you actually haven't. Try the "Sign in with Email" option and then, once logged in, connect the account with Google.

Error: User not found

Double-check to see if you typed your email or username correctly. You might have registered a different email (personal/school) when you joined Boom for the first time or you may have a secret second account with a different email.

Error: Email already exists [403]

This message pops up when you're trying to create an account with an email that's already been used on our platform. You need to sign in using one of the options listed above. Make sure you choose the "Sign in" button instead of the "Join in" button.