In the Studio you have a Sales dashboard and a Transactions dashboard. This is helpful for preparing your tax returns. You can copy and paste these results into a tracking spreadsheet.

Use My Settings to find your payments to us (expenses) for the year.

For information about Pay Schedule and Fees Click Here

Sales Dashboard

Use your Sales dashboard to see your payments and earnings. 

PAYMENTS are sorted by date of payment and subtotaled by year. 

These can be exported into a spreadsheet using the Export CSV button. Below is sample data. This is most useful for cash accounting to pass on to your accountant as your Boom Learning income number.

If you also do external sales, your situation is more complex. Export the appropriate taxable year range.

  1. Filter on "external sales" in the Memo field and report the results to your accountant as an expense line item. 
  2. Filter on "Boom sales" and report the results to your accountant as your income line item. This will be different than your PAYMENTS summary. 

Ignore Admin Credits and Payments (these are used to record payments we receive from you or that we issue to you).

Transactions Dashboard

Use your Transactions dashboard to see

  • All Boom Learning sales
  • All external market redemptions (we only have the capacity to track redemptions, not sales. For more information about External Sales Click Here) and
  • The Boom Learning value of the sold or redeemed item

The data fields in the Transactions Tab Are 

Date - Date of purchase for items purchased at Boom. Date of redemption for items redeemed from other marketplaces.

Mkt - This tells the type of link you used for external sales. It could be a personal website link, Etsy, TPT or other link. 

Buyer - We provide 6 digits of the buyer identifier to help track patterns across redemptions.

Kind - Deck, bundle, image, etc.

Title - The Boom Store title of the deck

Fee - The Service Fee assessed (15% at Boom; 10% for External Sales) against the Boom Store price of the item. Fees are assessed on sale for Boom Store items and on redemption for External Sales items

Price - The price you set in points/pennies.

From Mkt - The description entered by a redeemer for where they purchased or obtained a redemption link

Order # - The number or value entered by a redeemer - it should match an order number at your external site. You should give instructions for what to enter in the redemption document if it would not be obvious. See also Where do I find my order number.

Purchase Date - The date the items was purchased or redeemed. See the Instructions for the Customer.

Product Id - If you enter a Custom Product ID it will display here. Customer Product IDs can be used to match to external market products, especially if they have different names.  

Entries are organized by year and month. You can download the Transactions tables into a spreadsheet to prepare tax returns and custom sales reports using the Download transactions button, shown below. 

You can also track redemptions in your spreadsheet by filtering on the Marketplace column. Here's an example of a Transactions report (Buyer and Title data have been covered for privacy). 

The first six letters of the userid of the buyer/redeemer are also provided. You can ask users to provide you the first 6 digits of their userid as validation for a sale or redemption if you are providing customer service or are making a special offer. For privacy reasons, we only provide you with the name of a redeemer who redeemed on or after August 1, 2024. 

Sales Tax

In states where it has been determined that Boom Cards are taxable sales, we automatically collect and remit sales tax. For more information about how we collect sales tax see: Sales and Use Tax

Tennessee sellers our Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Resale is available for you upon request.