Printables are downloadable files that you create, you can sell files you make with assets you own. Printables can be sold individually or bundled with other materials.
You can access your previously made Printables and upload new Printables from your studio in your Asset Managers.
From your Printable manager you will be able to upload the file or manage your Publisher terms.
To publish your Printable you will need to check the box that you own the copyright to sell this file and that you agree a set of terms.
If you choose to create your own custom terms for your product to use instead of the Boom Learning standard terms of service, you can add them from the Printable Manager or from the bottom of the edit file page shown in the image above.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or call us at (833) WOW-BOOM. A real human will happily help you