How to Follow Authors and Manage Your "Following" List

Keeping up with the Boom Authors you enjoy is simple with our Follow feature. To follow an Author, navigate to their store page by searching for them in the Store or by clicking on their name from a deck in your Library. The name of the Author of a deck is always shown in your Library; click it to be taken to their Store page!

Some authors may embed a button or link to their Store page on their personal website or their social media accounts and request people to follow them. This is an officially supported feature.

While looking at a store, you can see everything an Author has published or search through their library. To follow an Author, click the "Follow" button. This will add the author to your Following list.

You can view all of the authors that you are following in the "Social" tab of your Account Settings. Your can find it by clicking on your Menu and then selecting "Social (Following)." From here you can review all of the Authors you are following, view their Store pages, or unfollow them at any time.

Searching for Decks by Followed Authors

You can quickly and easily filter all of your Boom Store searches to look for decks by Authors you are already following and trust. Simply make a search for Decks in the store and then click the toggle switch for "Only Followed Authors." This will filter your search to only show decks from Authors you are following. You can continue to filter your search using all of the other search options as well.

We will continue to add more convenience features related to the Authors you're following in the future, so be sure to follow all of your favorite authors!