If you or your students do not like the feedback sounds in the player, you can turn them off using the icon in the top left corner of the player, It will look like this before a setting is chosen: 

When a student clicks on the Speaker, a Sound setting menu will open, shown below: 

"All Sounds On" will play all sounds in a deck including sound effects and feedback sounds, "Sound Effects Only" will turn off the Feedback sounds, and "All Sounds Off" will turn off all sounds in a deck; if you just want to turn feedback sounds off, change it to the second option.

All Sound settings will be remembered each signed in play session, once the student signs out the settings will be Forgotten. Sound settings will not be remembered for FastPlay sessions. 

The player does not support other feedback sounds at this time.

If you want more information about Sound to Text, you can find it here Accessibility within Boom Learning