There are a couple of different ways for students to be shared between multiple teachers' accounts. This article will cover how to use the Colleagues feature.

If you are looking for how to share students who are a part of a Google Classroom, please refer to this separate FAQ: Quick Start Guide for Setting Up Your Google Classroom with Boom Learning.


Important Note

This feature is only available to paid users. If you have a Starter account, you will not be able to add colleagues or utilize other features that rely on colleagues, such as sharing students or decks that you have created. To learn more about which features are available with different memberships, check out our membership page!

Colleagues Basics

Using the Colleagues feature will send and receive invitations to other teachers to share students. Premium accounts can invite colleagues to share. Free accounts can accept invitations, but cannot issue invitations.

It is important to note that sharing students with a colleague will not give the colleague access to your Boom library, membership, points, or other purchases on your account. Colleagues will be able to assign decks only from their own library. If you are needing to share decks that you have created, you can learn how to do so here.

This also applies to the data shown in Reports. Each teacher can only view reports data for decks they have assigned from their own library.

NOTE: If you use this feature, you may need to upgrade your account to accommodate more students and/or classrooms.

How do I invite a Colleague?

From your Classes tab, locate the Colleagues button on the left side of your screen.

Click on the "Add Colleague" button. You will need their Boom Learning account email address to invite them. Enter their email into the text box and click "Okay."

Your invitation will then show as "Pending".

Once the other teacher accepts your invitation, you will be able to select which students you would like to share with them.

Sharing Students with a Colleague

From your Classes tab, select one of your classrooms and click the "Share Students with Colleague" button.

You can choose to share all students in the selected classrooms, or select individual students to share. Once you have made your selection, click "Next."

Confirm and click "Share."

The recipient will then receive an invitation to accept the shared students. Students that have been shared with a colleague will show a small number in the corner of their avatar. This number indicates how many teachers the student is associated with.

When a shared student logs into their account, they will see a new classroom on their classroom list. This will show the name of the classroom as well as the name of the teacher. Clicking on different classrooms will show assigned decks from the corresponding teacher.

How do I accept colleague and sharing invitations?

You will see a red badge on your Colleagues button if you have been invited to become a colleague. Click the button to view your Colleagues page.

Click "Requests" to view your pending invitations and then click the "Confirm" button to accept an invitation.

When you accept the invitation, the teacher who sent the invitation will then choose which students they would like to share with you. Once they do so, you will receive another notification to confirm. This notification will appear on the left side of your Classes tab, above your list of classrooms.

Click on the yellow notification, and then accept or reject the request with the presented buttons.

A new classroom will be imported with the created students. If you receive an error stating that you have too many classrooms, you may need to upgrade your account or delete one of your existing classrooms. You can also use move to move the imported students to a different classroom.

Removing a Colleague

Removing a colleague is simple. From your Classes tab, click on your Colleagues button. In your list of existing colleagues, click on the "Remove" button.

A pop-up will appear to confirm your selection. If you are sure about removing the colleague, click "Okay" to proceed.

Removing a colleague will remove the option to share additional students to them and vice versa. However, this action does not effect any students were originally shared with the colleague. In order to completely un-share students from a removed colleague, the removed colleague will need to delete the student from their account. The student will still remain on their original teachers' account as well as any other colleagues with whom they are shared.