This guide will walk you through how to delete student report data. NOTE: Deleting data is a permanent action and cannot be recovered.

Unassigning a deck will not delete the history of the report data. Data is retained even if the deck is unassigned, so older data will appear in your reports if you end up re-assigning the same deck. Sometimes, this may produce confusing reports-- you can clear the data by following the steps below.

Student play data can be deleted in two different ways:

  1. By Student
  2. By Deck

By Student

To delete data for a specific student, click on your Classes tab and select the student's classroom. Then, click on the blue arrow beside the student's name and select "View Report".

You will see the list of decks currently assigned to the selected student as well as their recent plays. To delete the student data for all assigned decks, click on the red "Delete All Student Logs" button.

You can also click on a specific deck from your student's assignment list to see data from only that deck. From here, you can choose to delete all data for that deck or delete individual entries (plays) that may skew the student's report.

By Deck

To delete all data from a particular deck, navigate to your Library. Find the desired deck and click the Action drop-down menu. Then, select "View Report".

On this report page, you can delete student history for all students for this deck by clicking the "Reset All Data" button.