There are just a few things you must have for Boom Cards to play properly:        

  • An internet connection. 
  • A device with a currently supported operating system. For safety and security reasons we do not support use of Boom Cards on operating systems that have reached end-of-life as defined by their manufacturer.


  • A browser that runs HTML5 such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Chromium Edge (Jan 15, 2020 or later), Chrome on a Chromebook, netbook, laptop or desktop or Android tablet. Silk on the Kindle, Safari on the iPad OR
  • One of our free apps available from the App StoreGoogle Play or Kindle Fire and a compatible device (see the respective stores for details).

Allow List for Managed Devices and Networks 

If your school or organization's network filters will only allow specified domains, please contact your IT department to allow the following (these also need to be allowed inside your school's LMS system being used for assignments and for browsers):

  • Cookies served by in your browser cookie settings.
  • Authentication for Google and Microsoft users (if your school uses these)
  • Access to our Boom Learning apps (if you want to use native apps on your devices)

Your IT department may also need to allow the following domains:

Some users have had issues with Avast (or AVG, a subsidiary of Avast) Security flagging as a phishing URL. That URL is not a phish. That is the URL we use to fetch resources for our product. We are the ones that made the deliberate request to load the resource on the users behalf.

For email networks that require an IP address, please allow this IP:

Compatible devices:

iPad or iPhone — iOS 11 or later. We no longer support iOS 10 and earlier. Use a browser for iOS 10x

Kindle Fire — the app works with devices manufactured in 2014 and later. Use the Silk browser if using older Kindle Fire.

Chromebooks with App and Android Tablets — minimum version 11 

Interactive Whiteboards

Our users have had success with Boom Cards on:

  • GetClearTouch panels
  • SMARTBoards
  • ActivPanel

...and more. So long as the interactive whiteboard can interact with HTML5 browser apps, Boom Cards should work.

Teletherapy platforms

Our users who provide remote services have had success with

  • Zoom
  • Adobe Connect 
  • WebEx

Creating Boom Cards

You can only create Boom Cards in a browser, not an app. We find laptops or desktops are best for creating Boom Cards.