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To continue to provide you quality service and premium teaching tools in a sustainable manner, we increased our prices in 2021. This is the first time we have increased prices since 2018.

Effective July 1, 2021 School, Organization, and Bulk Purchases

The attached prices are effective for accounts created and/or renewed between July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2023.  

We will honor any valid estimate submitted for new accounts or renewal of existing accounts prior to July 1, 2021 with the previous pricing. Estimates are not valid until they have been approved by our sales team. If you are unsure when your current estimate expires or have any other questions, please email us at help@boomlearning.com.

For more information on our purchasing process, please refer to our buying guide:  Buying Boom Cards for a School (Purchase Orders, School Purchases, Practice Purchases).

Effective October 2021 Individual Educator Membership Purchases

Our memberships were restructured in October 2021 so that we can better serve our educators. With this update, we made some changes to how some memberships function. To learn which of our new memberships will best fit your needs, please refer to our guide, Which Membership Should I Choose?.