You can customize your store using Featured decks, folders to organize your materials, and make bundles. 


Customizing your store

From the Studio tab, click the "Review My Store" button, circled below. 

Then, click the green "Customize My Store" button near the top right. 

When you are finished customizing your store click the red "Stop Customizing" button 

Featuring Items in your Store

You can highlight your best work within your own store by adding decks to the Featured tab. 

The instructions to feature decks will always be shown at the top of the page for ease of access.

Drag and drop the decks you'd like highlighted over to the "Feature" tab. Once a deck is featured you will see a blue star icon next to your deck in your Studio

To un-feature a deck in your store, you can click on the red "Un-Feature" button that will appear above the decks/bundles you've featured from the Featured tab.

Another way to do this is to go to the Studio tab and click "Make Decks" to view all your created decks. You'll see an option to "UnFeature" button appear just below any of the decks you've featured in your store. 

Using Folders to Organize your Store

To create a new folder, click the blue "New Folder" button, shown below. 

Once a new folder is created you will be able to drag and drop the decks you want to organize from your main store page. 

If you want to delete the item from your folder, you can use the remove from folder button when n teh folder. If you want to delete the folder, you can use the red trash can icon next to the folder name. 

Deleting the folder in your store will not unpublish decks, it will only remove the folder from your store. The decks will be in your main store page unorganized. 


Bundles can also be used to sell groups of decks that correspond to each other. If you have a series of decks that should be sold together, we recommend making a bundle. 

Check out this article for more information about how to make a Bundle: How to Create a Bundle

Want your store, deck, or bundle featured on the main page? 

Once your store is up and running, and you've filled your digital shelves (by offering at least 20 decks), you can fill out our Featured Submission Form to be considered for featuring on the Boom Store page.