Sometimes you may develop concerns about whether a redemption was valid. This FAQ addresses your options.

Common Issues that Are Not Redemption Audit Issues

First, make sure there really is an issue. We often gets contacted about the following concerns which are not redemption issues:

  • Bundle price paid is not the price I charge - see Complete My Bundle payouts.
  • Sale is for zero points and I charge - if the sale listed is the very first sale (or the first sales), this means you hit Publish to the Store before setting a price. Our bargain hunters are insanely fast.
  • Volume license redemptions - make sure you account for volume licenses sold when counting redemptions (we do not discount service fees for volume licenses)
  • Subscription participation redemptions - make sure you account for participation in subscription programs like TPT School Access when counting redemptions (we do not discount service fees for participation in subscription programs)

My Buyer Asked for a Refund on the Site Where I Sold Them

You may ask Customer Service to remove the deck by providing 

  • proof the deck that was refunded by the other marketplace - it must be a screenshot or email showing the marketplace name and the refund transaction
  • the refund date
  • the name of the customer who was refunded
  • either the Boom Learning email address or Boom UserID to remove a deck that was refunded. We are not able to remove decks without that information. If the customer will not provide that information to you, you can email the customer and Boom to direct them to provide it to us.

Evaluate Your Sales and Redemptions

To evaluate your sales and redemptions for mismatches create a spreadsheet with the following data (EXT would be the code for the external marketplace you are reviewing).

You can obtain your Boom data from the Transactions tab in the Studio. Because of privacy rules, we cannot give you buyer names for redemptions that took place before July 1, 2024. Each external marketplace should be on its own sheet. Make sure to include the number of licenses for volume licenses and don't forget to include subscription product sales (such as TPT Access).

Request a Redemption Audit or Report Clear Privacy

If you notice discrepancies you may want us to take action. READ the following BEFORE sending in a request:

  • If you notice a clear example of piracy - such as where only one sale has occurred but there have been 4 redemptions, send just that information about the relevant sales and redemptions. You must have paid a service fee for the redemptions for us to take action. We will contact all the involved parties and determine who can provide legitimate proof. ALWAYS check that you did not sell a volume license or include the product in a subscription service before making this request. You may do this any time you see clear piracy. We reserve the right to limit how often you may request this if you make routine erroneous requests (omitting volumes licenses and subscription licenses). Your Subject line should be PIRACY REPORT.
  • If you notice a mismatch between redemptions and sales but are unable to identify clear piracy you may request a redemption audit. You may request one redemption audit per year to request a correction of service fees. Please provide 12 months of data (going back 12 months) when requesting your audit. We require 12 months of data because sales and redemption dates rarely match and we have to look and the redemptions and sales over time. Redemption audits are time consuming and may take up to 90 days to complete as we contact the buyers to request proof of purchase.  We only conduct audits during the following months - October - March and June - August. Audits submitted in April, May, and September will not be started until the next available audit review month. Your subject line should be REDEMPTION AUDIT. Redemption audits are funded by external service fees. If you ask us to audit redemptions for which no service fee was charged, we may in our discretion refuse unless you agree to pay a fee for the audit.

All requests for action go to