This article covers the guidelines regarding using Boom's logos, badges, trademarks, and service marks (our Brand identifiers). If you have any questions regarding these rules, please contact us at [email protected].
Edited effective April 1, 2024. Do not add new Smart Media logos to websites or promotional materails after March 31, 2024. Smart Media logos should never be added to deck covers.
Reserved Marks
All marks for which we do not grant permission for use on your materials in this document are explicitly RESERVED exclusively for the use of Boom. The following marks are specifically reserved and may not be used by any party other than Boom:
b* in a circle
Premier Publisher badge
Premier Publisher star
Boom Passport logos and marks
Any other mark not explicitly allowed below
Brands Versus Products
It can be challenging to understand the difference between a "Brand" identifier and a product. The team at Velcro has a great set of videos (not safe for school) that explain it well.
For example, the product identifier might be "digital teaching resources", "digital task cards", or whatever you made using our platform. It might also be our creating and assigning platform. The "brand" identifier is "Boom".
These are the rules for using the versions of the Boom™ logos, badges, trademarks, and service marks that we permit our publishers to use (the "Marks"). The rules exist to avoid confusing customers about what they are buying.
The Word Marks
Our marks are words consistently used to identify Boom(a dba of Omega Labs Inc.) as a unique source of a specific good. These marks are important business assets of Boom. If used improperly, they can cease to be exclusively identified with our company as the source of the specific educational products and services they modify. If you have any questions about the proper use of the marks, contact us at [email protected].
The Rules for the Wordmark "Boom"
Our wordmark is "Boom™. It is used in combination with the product description. For example Boom™ Cards for decks and Boom™ Learning for the platform.
You may use the wordmarks if you follow these instructions.
- Do not use "Boom" to refer to programs, products or services provided by another company.
- The first time you use a mark in a document or material, include the product category and the ™ symbol.
- For example Boom™ Cards or Boom™ Learning.
- To get the ™ symbol, enter an html editor and type ™
- Always use our trademark disclaimer: "Boom™ is the trademark of Boom. Used with permission."
- Never change the spelling of the mark.
- Do not use the mark as a trade or company name.
Here are some examples of correct usage
- Boom™ Cards to describe decks
- Boom™ Store to describe the marketplace
- Boom™ Learning to describe the platform
Logos and Badges
Our logos and badges are images that identify Boom as the unique source of Boom Cards, Boom Passport, and Boom. These images are important business assets of Boom. If used improperly, they can cease to be exclusively identified with our company as the source of the specific educational products and services they modify. If you have any questions about the proper use of the images, contact us at [email protected]. Any logo not listed on this page is RESERVED to Boom.
The Rules for the Logos and Badges
You may use the logos and badges if you follow these instructions.
- The area around the logos and badges must be uncluttered and unobstructed. You may not overlay them with other images or text.
- They must always be used on a solid background. Do not place logos over a photograph or textured background. The background must be of sufficient contrast that the logo or badge is readable.
- Logos and badges cannot dominate the graphics in your layout.
- Do not change the color or graphics.
- Do not distort the badges. Maintain the original dimensions if you resize. 135 x 40 is the smallest allowable size for rectangle badges. The smallest allowable size is 70 x 70 pixels for square badges.
- You must strictly follow the specific instructions that apply to each logo or badge.
b-star tile logo (2021)
The b-star tile logos may be used on your cover images, thumbnails, descriptive materials, website, on advertising materials in connection with promoting or describing Booms Cards decks in general or Boom Cards decks created by you. "Boom Cards" means products created using Boom and hosted by Boom.
If you use the b-star tile logo, the URL associated with it must point to a listing for one of your Boom Cards products, on any marketplace.
You may use the Boom Cards b-star logos in the tile format displayed below and attached to this help page. You may not remove or render transparent the white or blue background tile behind the logo.
Note: If you download the preview below, you will be downloading a compressed preview of the images available to you. It will be a JPG without rounded corners and will be lower quality overall. For the full version, please view the attachments at the bottom of this article. Look for the file names starting with "b-star tile."
DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN VERSION USING OUR LOGOS. ALL OTHER VERSIONS OF THE LOGO ARE RESERVED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF BOOM. Using a version of the logo reserved for the exclusive use of Boom at Boom or any other location can result in the suspension of your store and/or legal action until the use is corrected.
The Hosted on Badges
You may download and use the "hosted at" badges attached to this help file to signify a Boom Cards product you create is hosted at Boom. The badges must be legible in all marketing communications. Only include one badge per message. These are the only "hosted at" badges permitted.

DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN VERSION USING OUR LOGOS. ALL OTHER VERSIONS OF THE LOGO ARE RESERVED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF BOOM. Using a version of the logo reserved for the exclusive use of Boom at Boom or any other location can result in the suspension of your store and/or legal action until the use is corrected.
Compatible With Usages (including Google Classroom)
You may describe Boom Cards as compatible with Google Classroom™ in one of these ways
•Assign Boom Cards decks with Google Classroom™
•Boom Cards decks are compatible with Google Classroom™
•compatible with Google Classroom™
•for use with Google Classroom™
You may use similar terms (substituting the product name) for other services that permit you to assign by URL such as Microsoft Teams, SeeSaw, PowerSchool, Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, and more.
The key is to use the brand name as a noun and NOT as an adjective.
Okay: Assign Boom Cards decks with Google Classroom
Not Okay: Google Boom Cards
You can find the full Google Classroom brand guidelines here.
License Agreement
By using our marks, logos, and badges (the "Marks") you are agreeing to the terms in this document. Failure to abide by these terms immediately terminates your rights to use the Marks. You are not required to use our Marks, but if you do use them, you must follow these rules.
Subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions of this document, Omega Labs Inc. dba Boom ("Boom"), a Washington corporation, located in Kirkland WA, grants you a non-exclusive, personal, and nontransferable license to use the Marks to identify and promote Boom Cards or Boom. You agree to not use, register, or attempt to register any company name, product name, domain name, user name, email address, or URL incorporating any of the Marks or any combination of letters similar to any Mark.
You agree that you will not at any time do, or cause to be done, any act or thing which in any way suggests, directly or indirectly, that Boom approves or sponsors you or your products or services or that you are, for any purpose, an agent of Boom.
You agree to comply with these instructions and directions regarding the use, appearance, and placement of the marks, including as they may be updated from time to time. You will not alter the nature or design of the Marks in any way and will not use the Marks in the creation of a composite mark unless prior consent is obtained from Boom.
This license shall be in effect from your first use of a Mark until (a) you terminate your rights by violating a term of this agreement or (b) Boom informs that your right to use the Marks has been terminated. Upon termination, all rights granted will automatically terminate. Boom will not be liable to you for any license termination, including loss of goodwill, prospective profits or anticipated sales, or any expenditures, investments, or commitments made relating to this license.
The Marks are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws and are owned exclusively by Boom. Nothing in this license shall be construed or interpreted as granting you any rights of ownership in or any proprietary rights to the Marks. ALL RIGHTS NOT EXPRESSLY GRANTED HEREIN ARE RESERVED TO OMEGA LABS INC. The terms of this license are supplemented by and in addition to the Boom Terms of Service.